App Builder

2024.60 · 22/11/2024

Entorno visual de desarrollo interactivo para crear modernas apps HTML5, Web Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Web Extensions y aplicaciones híbridas para navegadores de escritorio y móviles, Android, iOS, Windows y más.

HTML Compiler

2024.14 · 22/11/2024

Compile sus apps y juegos HTML en ejecutables para Microsoft Windows de 32 y 64 bits de la forma más sencilla y poderosa, permitiéndole hacer cosas que incluso las modernas apps y juegos HTML no pueden hacer gracias a nuestro JavaScript.


2024.2 · 01/07/2024

Aquí en DecSoft puede encontrar la mejor y más grande colección de plug-ins de VisualNeo en todo el mundo. Disfrute de nuestros 60 excelentes plug-ins, que le ofrecen 1166 acciones y 237 ejemplos para mejorar todas sus aplicaciones VisualNeo.

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[...] I really appreciate Your effort with informations about Your plug-ins and news about plug-ins and Your work :-) I try all of Your plug-ins and I'm impressed - this is not just flattery - as IT pro system administrator) over 25 years I saw EVERYTHING, believe me, but Your work is stunning :-)
Dražen Glojnaric, Zagreb, Croatia
I should say thank you for giving us such a good product. I never imagine that I could create apps without AppBuilder. I have a long way to go since i'm just a novice in Apps Development.
Danny Cheah, Penang, Malaysia
Great Plug David! [npGaug] Who doesn't want to watch a dial needle make it's way across the face of an instrument. Reminds me of my old days when I had my 68 Plymouth Roadrunner. I'd floor the pedal and watch my tachometer needle fly across the dial. But then I digress and day dream.... Hmmm now I can create a pub that will do just that. David you continue to support the NeoWorld with great plugins. I appreciate your work and effort.
Donald Walker, Lorena, Texas

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