About this plugin
The npInfo plugin put available for you more than 400 PC information variables. Using just one action you can retrieve one or more of this variables, from APM, BIOS, Colors, CPU, FileInfo, Folders, Identification, Keyboard, Memory, Metrics, OS, Screen, System and other Miscellaneous categories.
The plugin is very speedy and not waste to much system resources, because dont retrieve more than the variables that you want and just when you want. Also you can use this plugin to get all available PC information into a file, like a PC information report that you can use in various ways, just using only one action too.
Additionally the npInfo plugin allow us to execute system WQL queries to retrieve more information about the system using the WMI technology. You can execute more or less complex WQL queries in order to retreive lot of information about the system directly in NeoBook's variables ready to be used by your application.
This plugin are imposible without the aid of this people:
Thanks a lot!
Use this action and its action Properties in order to get one or more (all if you like) PC information variables. The variables values are stored into NeoBook variables with the same name of the PC information identifier. For example, the "CPU.CPUType" value is stored into the NeoBook variable [CPU.CPUType].
Here is a list of possible data types and constants of available PC information variables:
APM.BatteryFlag can be one of the following values:
APM.BatteryFullLifeTime Number of seconds of battery life when at full charge, or –1 if full battery lifetime is unknown.
APM.BatteryLifePercent Percentage of full battery charge remaining. This member can be a value in the range 0 to 100, or 255 if status is unknown.
APM.BatteryLifeTime Number of seconds of battery life remaining, or –1 if remaining seconds are unknown.
APM.LineStatus AC power status. This can be one of the following values: alsOffline, Offline, alsOnline or Online.
BIOS.Copyright Contains the copyright notice of the BIOS. If the BIOS doesn't contain a copyright or is unsupported by the BIOS, this value is an empty string.
BIOS.Date Contains the BIOS date. If the BIOS date is unavailable, returns 0 (1899-12-30).
BIOS.ExtendedInfo Contains arbitrary extra data that might be stored in the BIOS. If not extra data has been stored, returns an empty string.
BIOS.Name Contains the name of the BIOS. If no name is specified, returns an empty string.
Colors.* All below colors are returned in NeoBook (RGB) format, for example, 0,0,0 to black color.
Colors.Color3DDarkShadow Color of dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements.
Colors.Color3DFace Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
Colors.Color3DHighlight Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.)
Colors.Color3DLight Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source.)
Colors.Color3DShadow Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source).
Colors.ColorActiveBorder Color of active window border.
Colors.ColorActiveCaption Color of active window title bar.
Colors.ColorAppWorkspace Background color of multiple document interface (MDI) applications.
Colors.ColorBackground Color of desktop.
Colors.ColorBtnFace Face color for three-dimensional display elements and for dialog box backgrounds.
Colors.ColorBtnText Color of text on push buttons.
Colors.ColorCaptionText Color of text in caption, size box, and scroll bar arrow box.
Colors.ColorGradientActiveCaption Right side color in the color gradient of an active window's title bar.
Colors.ColorGradientInactiveCaption Right side color in the color gradient of an inactive window's title bar.
Colors.ColorGrayText Color of grayed (disabled) text.
Colors.ColorHighlight Color of item(s) selected in a control.
Colors.ColorHighlightText Color of text of item(s) selected in a control.
Colors.ColorHotLight Color for a hot tracked item.
Colors.ColorInactiveBorder Color of inactive window border.
Colors.ColorInactiveCaption Color of inactive window caption.
Colors.ColorInactiveCaptionText Color of text in an inactive caption.
Colors.ColorInfoBk Background color for tooltip controls.
Colors.ColorInfoText Text color for tooltip controls.
Colors.ColorMenu Menu background.
Colors.ColorMenuBar The background color for the menu bar when menus appear as flat menus
Colors.ColorMenuHighlight The color used to highlight menu items when the menu appears as a flat menu
Colors.ColorMenuText Color of text in menus.
Colors.ColorScrollBar Color of scroll bar gray area.
Colors.ColorWindow Color of window background.
Colors.ColorWindowFrame Color of window frame.
Colors.ColorWindowText Color of text in windows.
CPU.Type Denotes the CPU vendor. Can contain one of this values: cpuUnknown, cpuIntel, cpuCyrix, cpuAMD or cpuCrusoe.
CPU.DEPCapable Boolean value, this variable contain True or False.
CPU.Ex3DNow Boolean value, this variable contain True or False.
CPU.ExMMX This variable contain True or False.
CPU.Family Processor family. For example, for Intel processors a value of 4 denotes a 486, 5 a Pentium and 6 a
Pentium Pro. The family and model members are used together to form a descriptive string in the Name property.
CPU.HasCacheInfo This variable contain True or False.
CPU.HasExtendedInfo This variable contain True or False.
CPU.HasInstruction True if the processor supports CPU identification instructions. If False the MMX, Features and
FrequencyInfo fields do not contain valid data.
CPU.HyperThreadingTechnology This variable contain True or False.
CPU.Is64Bits True if the processor is a 64 bits processor.
CPU.IsFDIVOK True if the FDIV instruction is OK, False if it's flawed.
CPU.L1CodeCache This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.L1DataCache This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.L2Cache This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.L3Cache This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.LogicalCore This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.Manufacturer Contains a string describing the processor's manufacturer.
CPU.MMX True if the processor supports the MMX extension instructions.
CPU.Model Contains a descriptive string for the processor (for example "Pentium II Xeon").
CPU.NormFreq The normalized frequency of the CPU in MHz. For example, a raw frequency of 761 MHz is normalized to 760 MHz.
CPU.PhysicalCore This variable contain an Integer value.
CPU.ProcessorCount The number of processors in the system.
CPU.RawFreq The raw frequency of the CPU in MHz.
CPU.SSE Comma separated SSE supported, for example: sse,sse2,sse3.
CPU.Stepping A processor's Family, Model and Stepping numbers refer to the manufacturing process on which a processor was manufactured and can be useful in identifying a processor in a system.
CPU.VendorIDString Contain the processor vendor ID, for example AuthenticAMD.
CPU._3DNow True if the system supports AMDs 3DNow graphic technology.
FileInfo.AttrString Contain the FileInfo attributes short string and can be A for "Archive", C for "Compressed", D for "Directory", R for "ReadOnly", H for "Hidden", S for "System" or an empty string when unknow.
FileInfo.DisplayName File info display name.
FileInfo.ExeType Can contain one of this values: etNone, etMSDos, etWin16, etWin32, etConsole.
FileInfo.FileName Contain the FileInfo file name or an empty string.
FileInfo.IconIndex Contain the FileInfo icon index.
FileInfo.IconIndex Contain the FileInfo icon index.
FileInfo.IconLocation Contain the FileInfo icon location DLL path.
FileInfo.Modifiers Contain one of the following values: imNormal, imOverlay, imSelected, imOpen, imShellSize, imSmall.
FileInfo.TypeString Contain the FileInfo type string.
Folders.AppData Serves as a common repository for application-specific data.
Folders.CommonAppData Contains application data for all users.
Folders.CommonDesktopDirectory Contains files and folders that appear on the desktop for all users.
Folders.CommonFavorites Serves as a common repository for favorite items common to all users.
Folders.CommonFiles Serves as a common repository for application common files.
Folders.CommonFiles Contains the directories for the common program groups that appear on the Start menu for all users.
Folders.CommonStartmenu Contains the programs and folders that appear on the Start menu for all users.
Folders.CommonStartup Contains the programs that appear in the Startup folder for all users.
Folders.Cookies Serves as a common repository for Internet cookies.
Folders.Current Specifies the current directory.
Folders.Desktop The virtual folder representing the Windows desktop, the root of the namespace.
Folders.DesktopDirectory Used to physically store file objects on the desktop (not to be confused with the desktop folder itself).
Folders.Favorites Serves as a common repository for the user's favorite items.
Folders.Fonts A virtual folder containing fonts.
Folders.History Serves as a common repository for Internet history items.
Folders.InternetCache Serves as a common repository for temporary Internet files.
Folders.Nethood Containing the link objects that may exist in the My Network Places virtual folder.
Folders.Personal The virtual folder representing the My Documents desktop item.
Folders.Printhood Contains the link objects that can exist in the Printers virtual folder.
Folders.Profile The user's profile folder.
Folders.ProgramFiles The Program Files folder.
Folders.Programs Contains the user's program groups (which are themselves file system directories).
Folders.Recent Contains shortcuts to the user's most recently used documents.
Folders.SendTo Contains Send To menu items.
Folders.StartMenu Contains Start menu items.
Folders.Startup Corresponds to the user's Startup program group.
Folders.System The Windows System folder.
Folders.Temp Application-specific temporal files.
Folders.Templates Serves as a common repository for document templates.
Folders.TrailingPathDelimiter Determines how a system folder path string is terminated. True if use trailing path delimiter when return folder paths or False if not.
Folders.Windows The Windows directory or SYSROOT.
Folders.TrailingPathDelimiter Determines how a system folder path string is terminated.
Identification.* Contain several system identification values. Empty string values if anyone is not set.
Keyboard.CapsLock True if the CapsLock key is active.
Keyboard.NumLock True if the NumLock key is active.
Keyboard.ScrollLock True if the ScrollLock key is active.
Memory.FreePageFileMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.FreePhysicalMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.FreeVirtualMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.MaxAppAddress (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.MemoryLoad (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.MinAppAddress (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.SwapFileSize (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.SwapFileUsage (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.TotalPageFileMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.TotalPhysicalMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Memory.TotalVirtualMemory (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.Arrange (Not help defined at this momment) One or more of the following values: waDown, waLeft, waRight, waUp, waBottomLeft, waBottomRight, waHide, waTopLeft, waTopRight.
Metrics.BorderHeight Height of a window border, in pixels.
Metrics.BorderWidth Width of a window border, in pixels.
Metrics.CaptionButtonheight Height of a button in a window's caption or title bar, in pixels.
Metrics.CaptionButtonWidth Width of a button in a window's caption or title bar, in pixels.
Metrics.CaretBlinkTime (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.CaretX (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.CaretY (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.CleanBoot (Not help defined at this momment) One of the following values: cbNormal, cbFailSafe, cbFailSafeNetwork.
Metrics.CodePageANSI (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.CodePageOEM (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.CursorHeight Height of a cursor, in pixels.
Metrics.CursorWidth Width of a cursor, in pixels.
Metrics.CursorX Specifies the current horizontal location of the mouse cursor.
Metrics.CursorY Specifies the current vertical location of the mouse cursor.
Metrics.DBCSEnabled (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.Debug Nonzero if the debug version of User.exe is installed; zero otherwise.
Metrics.DialogBaseUnits (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.DialogFrameHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.DialogFrameWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.DoubleClickHeight Height of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels.
Metrics.DoubleClickTime (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.DoubleClickWidth Width of the rectangle around the location of a first click in a double-click sequence, in pixels.
Metrics.DragHeight Height of a rectangle centered on a drag point to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins, in pixels.
Metrics.DragWidth Width of a rectangle centered on a drag point to allow for limited movement of the mouse pointer before a drag operation begins, in pixels.
Metrics.EdgeHeight Height of a 3-D border, in pixels.
Metrics.EdgeWidth Width of a 3-D border, in pixels.
Metrics.FixedFrameHeight Thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels.
Metrics.FixedFrameWidth Thickness of the frame around the perimeter of a window that has a caption but is not sizable, in pixels.
Metrics.FrameHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.FrameWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
Metrics.IconHeight Default height of an icon, in pixels.
Metrics.IconSpacingHeight Height of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels.
Metrics.IconSpacingWidth Width of a grid cell for items in large icon view, in pixels.
Metrics.IconWidth Default width of an icon, in pixels.
Metrics.KanjiWindowHeight For double byte character set versions of the system, this is the height of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen, in pixels.
Metrics.MaxDragWindowHeight Default maximum height of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels.
Metrics.MaxDragWindowWidth Default maximum width of a window that has a caption and sizing borders, in pixels.
Metrics.MaximizedWindowHeight Default height, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.
Metrics.MaximizedWindowWidth Default width, in pixels, of a maximized top-level window on the primary display monitor.
Metrics.MenuButtonHeight Height of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.
Metrics.MenuButtonWidth Width of menu bar buttons, such as the child window close button used in the multiple document interface, in pixels.
Metrics.MenuCheckHeight Height of the default menu check mark bitmap, in pixels.
Metrics.MenuCheckWidth Width of the default menu check mark bitmap, in pixels.
Metrics.MenuItemHeight Height of a single-line menu bar, in pixels.
Metrics.MenuRightAligned Nonzero if drop-down menus are right-aligned with the corresponding menu-bar item; zero if the menus are left-aligned.
Metrics.MidEastEnabled Nonzero if the system is enabled for Hebrew and Arabic languages, zero if not.
Metrics.MinDragWindowHeight Minimum tracking height of a window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinDragWindowWidth Minimum tracking width of a window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinimizedWindowHeight Height of a minimized window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinimizedWindowSpacingHeight Height of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinimizedWindowSpacingWidth Width of a grid cell for a minimized window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinimizedWindowWidth Width of a minimized window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinWindowHeight Minimum height of a window, in pixels.
Metrics.MinWindowWidth Minimum width of a window, in pixels.
Metrics.MouseButtons Number of buttons on mouse.
Metrics.MouseButtonsSwapped Indicates whether the meanings of the left and right mouse buttons are swapped.
Metrics.MousePresent Indicates whether a mouse is installed.
Metrics.MouseWheelPresent Specifies whether a mouse with a wheel is installed.
Metrics.Networked Indicates whether a network is present.
Metrics.PenWindows Indicates whether the Microsoft Windows for Pen computing extensions are installed.
Metrics.ResizeBorderHeight Thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels.
Metrics.ResizeBorderWidth Thickness of the sizing border around the perimeter of a window that can be resized, in pixels.
Metrics.ScreenClientHeight Height of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels.
Metrics.ScreenClientWidth Width of the client area for a full-screen window on the primary display monitor, in pixels.
Metrics.ScreenHeight Height of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels.
Metrics.ScreenWidth Width of the screen of the primary display monitor, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollArrowHeight Height of a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollArrowWidth Width of the arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollHeight Height of the arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollThumbHeight Height of the thumb box in a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollThumbWidth Width of the thumb box in a horizontal scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.ScrollWidth Width of a vertical scroll bar, in pixels.
Metrics.Secure Nonzero if security is present; zero otherwise.
Metrics.ShowSounds Determines whether the Show Sounds accessibility flag is on or off.
Metrics.SlowMachine Nonzero if the computer has a low-end (slow) processor; zero otherwise.
Metrics.SmallCaptionButtonHeight Height of small caption buttons, in pixels.
Metrics.SmallCaptionButtonWidth Width of small caption buttons, in pixels.
Metrics.SmallIconHeight Recommended height of a small icon, in pixels.
Metrics.SmallIconWidth Recommended width of a small icon, in pixels.
Metrics.SmallWindowCaptionHeight Height of a small caption, in pixels.
Metrics.WindowCaptionHeight Height of a caption area, in pixels.
Misc.CurrentColorScheme Current system color scheme or an empty string.
Misc.DVDRegion DVD region ID or -1 if no one is found.
Misc.NetBIOS True when the NET BIOS is available.
Misc.Online True when the computer have a Internet connection available.
Misc.Pattern The system pattern or an empty string.
Misc.ScreenSaver The current screen saver execute path or an empty string if no one is active.
Misc.TimeRunning Returns the time elapsed since the computer was started.
Misc.TimeRunningAsString Returns the time elapsed since the computer was started, formatted as a string. For example 0 5:25:56. The first number is the number of days.
Misc.Wallpaper The current wallpaper image path or an empty string if no one is active.
Misc.WallpaperStyle One of this values wsCenter, wsUnused, wsStretch, or an empty string if no one is active.
Misc.WallpaperTiled True or False depend if wallpaper is tiled or not.
Misc.HardwareProfile.DockInfo One of the following values: diDocked, diUndocked, diUserSupplied, diUserDocked, diUserUndocked.
Misc.HardwareProfile.GUID The system hardware profile Global Unique Identifier
Misc.HardwareProfile.Name Hardware profile name, just a string representation of DockInfo, for example: Undocked Profile.
Misc.Versions.ADO ADO database connection version, or an empty string when is not installed.
Misc.Versions.BDE Borland Database Engin version, or an empty string when is not installed.
Misc.Versions.DirectX Installed Windows DirectX version, for example:
Misc.Versions.InternetExplorer Installed Windows Internet Explorer version, for example: 9.0.8112.16421.
Misc.Versions.OpenGL Installed OpenGL version, for example: 2.1.2.
OS.OSVersion Contain one of the following values: wvUnknown, wvWin95, wvWin95OSR2, wvWin98, wvWin98SE, wvWinME, wvWinNT31, wvWinNT35, wvWinNT351, wvWinNT4, wvWin2000, wvWinXP, wvWin2003, wvWinXP64, wvWin2003R2, wvWinVista, wvWinServer2008, wvWinServer2008R2, wvWin7, wvWin8.
OS.ProductID Contain the Windows product ID, for example: 00426-OEM-8992662-00006.
OS.ProductName Contain a string representation of the Windows version, for example: Windows 7 Ultimate.
OS.ProductType Contain one of the following values: ptUnknown, ptWorkStation, ptServer, ptAdvancedServer, ptPersonal, ptProfessional, ptDatacenterServer, ptEnterprise, ptWebEdition.
OS.ServicePackVersion Contain the version of installed Windows Servipack, zero if no one is installed.
OS.VersionBuild Contain the Windows version build number, for example: 7601.
OS.VersionCSDString Contain the CSD version string representation, for example: Service Pack 1.
OS.VersionMajor Contain the Windows mayor version number.
OS.VersionMinor Contain the Windows minor version number.
OS.BitsPerPixel Contain the availables system bits per pixels.
Screen.BitsPerPixel Contain the availables screen bits per pixels.
Screen.Flags Contain one or more of the following values: dmGrayScale, dmInterlaced or an empty string if cannot be determinate.
Screen.Height The screen height in pixeles.
Screen.Hz The screen refresh rate in Hz.
Screen.Width The screen width in pixeles.
Screen.Width The screen width in pixeles.
System.ActiveWindowTracking True or false depend if Active Window Tracking is active or not.
System.ActiveWindowTrackTimeOut Active Window Tracking timeout in miliseconds. Zero when disabled.
System.ActiveWindowTrackZOrder True or false depend if Active Window Tracking Zeta Order is active or not.
System.Animation True or false depend if windows minimize and restore animation is enabled or not.
System.Beep True or false. Determines whether the warning beeper is on.
System.BorderMultiplier Windows border multiplier value.
System.CaretWidth The caret width in edit controls, in pixels.
System.ComboboxAnimation True or false depend if windows combobox controls dropdown animation is enabled or not.
System.CursorShadow True or false depend if Windows cursor shadow is showing or not.
System.DefaultInputLanguage The Windows default input language identifier.
System.DeskWallpaper True or False, depend if Wallpaper is active or not, or an empty string (?).
System.DragFullWindows True or False, depend if Drag Full windows is used or not.
System.DropShadow True or False, depend if window Drap Sadow is used or not.
System.FlatMenu True or False, depend if window menus are flat show or not.
System.FocusBorderHeight Focus border height in pixels.
System.FocusBorderWidth Focus border width in pixels.
System.FontSmoothing True or False, depend if Font Smoothing is used or not.
System.FontSmoothingContrast The Font Smoothing Contrast value.
System.FontSmoothingType Contain one of this values. fstStandard, fstClearType, fstDocking
System.ForegroundFlashCount Contain the value for Foreground Flash Count.
System.ForegroundLockTimeOut Contain the value for Foreground Lock Timeout.
System.GradientCaptions True or False, depend if windows caption's are gradient or not.
System.GridGranularity Contain the Grid Granularity value.
System.HotTracking True or False, depend if System Host Tracking is active or not.
System.IconHorizontalSpacing Horizontal icon spacing in pixels.
System.IconTitleWrap True or False, depend if icon-title wrapping is enabled.
System.IconVerticalSpacing Vertical icon spacing in pixels.
System.KeyboardDelay (Not help defined at this momment)
System.KeyboardLayoutName (Not help defined at this momment)
System.KeyboardPreferred (Not help defined at this momment)
System.KeyboardSpeed (Not help defined at this momment)
System.ListboxSmoothScrolling True or False, depend if the smooth-scrolling effect for list boxes is enabled.
System.LowPowerActive (Not help defined at this momment)
System.LowPowerTimeOut (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MenuAnimation True or False, depend if the menu animation feature is enabled.
System.MenuFade True or False, depend if the selection fade effect is enabled.
System.MenuLeftAligned True or False, depend if pop-up menus are left-aligned or right-aligned, relative to the corresponding menu-bar item.
System.MenuShowDelay Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the system waits before displaying a shortcut menu when the mouse cursor is over a submenu item.
System.MenuUnderLines True or False, depend if menu access keys are always underlined.
System.MouseClickLock True or False, depend of the state of the Mouse ClickLock feature.
System.MouseClickLockTime Retrieves the time delay before the primary mouse button is locked.
System.MouseHoverHeight Retrieves the height, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a Windows Mouse Over message.
System.MouseHoverTime Retrieves the time, in milliseconds, that the mouse pointer has to stay in the hover rectangle for TrackMouseEvent to generate a Windows Mouse Hover message.
System.MouseHoverWidth Retrieves the width, in pixels, of the rectangle within which the mouse pointer has to stay for TrackMouseEvent to generate a Windows Mouse Hover message.
System.MouseSonar True or FAlse, depend of the state of the Mouse Sonar feature.
System.MouseSpeed (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseThreshold1 (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseThreshold2 (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseTrails (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseVanish True or False, depend of the state of the Mouse Vanish feature.
System.PowerOffActive True or False, depend if the power-off phase of screen saving is enabled.
System.PowerOffTimeout (Not help defined at this momment)
System.ScreenReader (Not help defined at this momment)
System.ScreenSaverActive True or False, depend if screen saving is enabled.
System.ScreenSaverRunning True or False, depend if a screen saver is currently running on the window station of the calling process.
System.ScreenSaveTimeOut (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SelectionFade True or False, depend if the selection fade effect is enabled.
System.ShowIMEUI True or False, depend if the IME status window is visible (on a per-user basis).
System.ShowSounds True or False, depend if the Show Sounds accessibility flag is on or off.
System.SnapToDefaultButton True or False, depend if the snap-to-default-button feature is enabled.
System.StickyKeys Availables Sticky Keys, one or more of the following values: sfkStickyKeysOn, sfkAvailable, sfkHotkeyActive, sfkConfirmHotkey, sfkHotkeySound, sfkIndicator, sfkAudibleFeedback, sfkTriState, sfkTwoKeysOff, sfkLeftAltLatched, sfkLeftCtrlLatched, sfkLeftShiftLatched, sfkRightAltLatched, sfkRightCtrlLatched, sfkRightShiftLatched, sfkLeftWinLatched, sfkRightWinLatched, sfkLeftAltLocked, sfkLeftCtrlLocked, sfkLeftShiftLocked, sfkRightAltLocked, sfkRightCtrlLocked, sfkRightShiftLocked, sfkLeftWinLocked, sfkRightWinLocked
System.ToggleKeys One or more of the following values: tkfAvailable, tkfConfirmHotkey, tkfHotkeyActive, tkfHotkeySound, tkfToggleKeysOn.
System.ToolTipAnimation True or False, depend if ToolTip animation is enabled.
System.ToolTipFade True or False, depend if ToolTip animation uses a fade effect or a slide effect.
System.UIEffects True or False, depend if UI effects are enabled or disabled.
System.WheelScrollLines Retrieves the number of lines to scroll when the mouse wheel is rotated.
System.WindowsExtensions True or False, depend if the Windows extension, Windows Plus!, is installed.
System.AccessTimeOut.Flags One or more of the following values: atfOnOffFeedback, atfTimeOutOn.
System.AccessTimeOut.TimeOutMS Specifies the Access time-out period, in milliseconds.
System.FilterKeys.BounceMSec Filter Keys bounce milliseconds.
System.FilterKeys.DelayMSec Filter keys delay milliseconds.
System.FilterKeys.Flags Availables Filter Keys flag, one or more of the following values: fkfAvailable, fkfClickOn, fkfFilterKeysOn, fkfHotkeyActive, fkfHotkeySound, fkfConfirmHotkey, fkfIndicator
System.FilterKeys.RepeatMSec Filter Keys repeat milliseconds.
System.FilterKeys.WaitMSec Filter Keys wait milliseconds.
System.HighContrast.Flags Contain one or more of the following values: hcfAvailable, hcfConfirmHotKey, hcfHighContrastOn, hcfHotkeyActive, hcfHotkeyAvailable, hcfHotkeySound, hcfIndicator.
System.IconMetrics.HorzSpacing (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.TitleWrap (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.VertSpacing (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.IconMetrics.Font.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconMetrics.Font.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.IconTitleFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.IconTitleFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MinimizedMetrics.Arrange One or more of the following values: Down, Left, Right, Up, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Hide, TopLeft, TopRight.
System.MinimizedMetrics.HorzGap (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MinimizedMetrics.VertGap (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MinimizedMetrics.Width (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseKeys.CtrlSpeed (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseKeys.Flags One or more of the following values: Available, ConfirmHotKey, HotkeyActive, HotkeySound, Indicator, MouseKeysOn, Modifiers, ReplaceNumbers.
System.MouseKeys.MaxSpeed (Not help defined at this momment)
System.MouseKeys.TimeToMaxSpeed (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.BorderWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.ScrollHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.ScrollWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionHeight (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionWidth (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.CaptionFont.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MenuFont.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.MessageFont.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.SmallCaptionFont.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Charset (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Color (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Height (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Name (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Orientation (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Pitch One of the following values: fpDefault, fpVariable, fpFixed.
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Size (Not help defined at this momment)
System.NonClientMetrics.StatusFont.Style (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.Active (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.ActivePort (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.BaudRate (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.Flags (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.Port (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SerialKeys.PortState One of the following values: psSerialKeysIgnored, psSerialKeysAware, psSerialKeysAlways.
System.SoundSentry.Flags One or more of the following values: ssfAvailable, ssfSoundSentryOn, ssfIndicator.
System.SoundSentry.GrafEffect One of the following values: ssgfNone, ssgfDisplay.
System.SoundSentry.GrafEffectColor (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SoundSentry.GrafEffectMSec (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SoundSentry.TextEffect One of the following values: sstfNone, sstfChars, sstfBorder, sstfDisplay.
System.SoundSentry.TextEffectColor (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SoundSentry.TextEffectMSec (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SoundSentry.WindowsEffect One of the following values: sswfNone, sswfTitle, sswfWindow, sswfDisplay, sswfCustom.
System.SoundSentry.WindowsEffectDLL (Not help defined at this momment)
System.SoundSentry.WindowsEffectMSec (Not help defined at this momment)
System.WorkArea.Bottom (Not help defined at this momment)
System.WorkArea.Left (Not help defined at this momment)
System.WorkArea.Right (Not help defined at this momment)
System.WorkArea.Top (Not help defined at this momment)
This action save in the specified file path the available PC information variables names and values that you wanted. Note that the "text format" of this file allow you to use the "LoadVariables" NeoBook native action. Also note that the plugin overwrite possible existing files. You can choose what information is saved to the file, from one to all available information.
This action allow us to execute system WQL queries to retrieve more information about the system using the WMI technology. You can execute more or less complex WQL queries in order to retreive lot of information about the system directly in NeoBook's variables ready to be used by your application.
Is out of the scope of this plugin to document here all the available WMI classes and their properties names and possible values. You can found this documentation in the Microsoft Windows website. Basically you must provide to this action the name of the WMI class you want to use, and, optionally, a property name and a Where clause for the WQL query. The result and the result count variables stores the retrieved information and the records' count respectively.
For example, supose you want to retrieve information about the computer system, then you can use this action in the below way:
npInfoGetWMI "Win32_ComputerSystem" "" "" "[Result]" "[ResultCount]"
Now supose you only want to now the computer system's name:
npInfoGetWMI "Win32_ComputerSystem" "Name" "" "[Result]" "[ResultCount]"
Or the computer system's workgroup:
npInfoGetWMI "Win32_ComputerSystem" "Workgroup" "" "[Result]" "[ResultCount]"
The optional Where clause argument of the action allow us to retrieve an specific record from the possible result set, for example, supose we wanted the information of an specific process based in their name:
npInfoGetWMI "Win32_Process" "" "Name = 'explorer.exe'" "[Result]" "[ResultCount]"
This action can retrieve some specific property value of an object, or all the properties of an object, and also all the properties of all the available objects. For example, below we want to retreive information about all the process executing in the system:
npInfoGetWMI "Win32_Process" "" "" "[Result]" "[ResultCount]"
To determine the number of object returned we can use the result count variable. The result variable stores all objects information in a variables like the below ones:
[Result1.Name] [Result1.Other] [Result2.Name] [Result2.Other] [Result3.Name] [Result3.Other]
For this last result variable, the result count variable stores "3", so we can easily iterate over the results set. If no results are found, then the result count variable stores "0" (zero). Take a look at the included "WMI.pub" sample to view this action working!
All the NeoPlugins deal with errors in the same way that NeoBook does: when the plugin found an action error the [LastError] variable store information about the error, so you can take care about this variable when execute an action.
But all the NeoPlugins also incorporate an advanced way to deal with possible action errors. You can define a subroutine named OnNeoPluginActionError in order to be executed when some action error are found and you can use this variables inside:
Note that this error handling subroutine are shared for all the NeoPlugins, so you no need to specify a subroutine for every plugin you use in your publication because the same subroutine are recognized and automagically used by every NeoPlugin. Below you can view a sample of this subroutine code:
:OnNeoPluginActionError AlertBox "NeoPlugin Error" "Error [LastError] in plugin: [PluginName]" Return
Also note that the use of this NeoPlugins error handling subroutine is completelly optional. You can continue using the [LastError] variable as usual and even use the both methods at the same time.