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Todo el mundo puede leer el foro de soporte de DecSoft para aprender del mismo, sin embargo, sólo los clientes de DecSoft pueden abrir nuevos hilos. Compre una o más licencias de productos de DecSoft y obtendrá este y otros beneficios.

Pregúntenos sobre nuestros productos


Great Plug David! [npGaug] Who doesn't want to watch a dial needle make it's way across the face of an instrument. Reminds me of my old days when I had my 68 Plymouth Roadrunner. I'd floor the pedal and watch my tachometer needle fly across the dial. But then I digress and day dream.... Hmmm now I can create a pub that will do just that. David you continue to support the NeoWorld with great plugins. I appreciate your work and effort.
Donald Walker, Lorena, Texas
[...] Just want to thank you for making these plugins allowing us less technically minded developers to expand what we can make. Your products will definitely help me in the future and I'm sure many more too.
Charles Jury, Papakura, New Zealand
[...] You can add to my testimonial my strong belief that you have produced the finest collection of plugins for the VisualNeo platform of anyone in our community and that is saying something as there are some other great plugin developers out there). Thanks and I look forward to doing business with you again soon.
Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom

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