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Everybody can read the DecSoft support forum for learning purposes, however only DecSoft customers can post new threads. Purchase one or more licenses of some DecSoft products in order to give this and other benefits.

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I moved from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder, because of its robustness and simplicity. In the past, several macOS or IONIC updates broke my toolchain. As a result, small app changes on an already finished project often took hours. Porting projects from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder is a breeze. Now I can develop in a fragment of my time and I can always be sure that nothing breaks. Thanks for your excellent work!
Harald Schneider, Germany
[...] I must say your plugins are the best, not only for its indispensable functions and actions, but also for its professional design, functionality and support. I do not see VisualNeo without DecSoft NeoPlugins. Thank you.
Eduardo Volpi, São Paulo, Brazil
PERFECT! [...] Awesome how great your [DecSoft App Builder] software and support is. I will SWEAR by it and use it for all mobile and HTML5 programming.
Mike Felker, Cigar Lane, USA

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