DecSoft Soporte

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Todo el mundo puede leer el foro de soporte de DecSoft para aprender del mismo, sin embargo, sólo los clientes de DecSoft pueden abrir nuevos hilos. Compre una o más licencias de productos de DecSoft y obtendrá este y otros beneficios.

Pregúntenos sobre nuestros productos


I'm really enjoying the possibilities of your plug-ins, it gives me a lot of futures I didn’t had before or only with use of a lot more of script.
Eric Beerhorst, Enschede, Netherlands
I have purchased several [Visual Neo] plug-ins from Decsoft in the last couple of months. They turn out to be quite useful for the kind of apps I am developing, and when purchased as a bundle they are not expensive either. Apart from the obvious high quality of the plug-ins and their included sample applications, I would like to mention the highly responsive customer service by David Esperalta. I contacted him a couple of times with specific questions and one or two help requests. Each time he did his utmost to help me, his help was very effective. David really goes the extra mile for his customers. Highly recommended!
Rob Meulman, Sellingen, Groningen, Netherlands
I just wanted to say that I purchased the plug-ins I am very happy with them. They are of a professional quality and really can expand what you can do with VisualNeo. More power to DEC.
Steven Hertz, Brooklyn, New York

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