After installing App Builder in your computer, take a look at the Menu -> File -> Samples. There are lot of samples included with the App Builder installation. Play with them!
Look at the contextual help of App Builder too. Among other information, the App Builder help file provides the reference of all the available app methods, events, controls, etc., etc., ready to be used in your apps.
The App Builder help is also available online for your convenience at
Only customers of DecSoft can post in the support forum, but anyone interested in the DecSoft products can use the support forum to learn with the questions and answers around App Builder already published.
In our YouTube channel, you can see various videos about our products that probably can be interested to you, so take a look and subscribe to be notified when a new video is published!
Remember that our software is not limited in time nor characteristics, even when you can see some nag screens and other kinds of limitations / unregister messages. The idea is to allow you to try our software all the time that you need, always using their very latest releases.
If you finally find our software useful to you, then consider purchasing one or more licenses, in order to use the software without any limitations, access to our customers area here in this website, post in our support forum, get one year of updates and a 50% off discount for major updates.
Thank you very much for your interest in our products. We hope that you can find it useful to you and your projects.
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