Get clicked link in checkbox capture text.

Harald Schneider


I have a form with a checkbox control. In have placed a href link in the capture property text.

The capture renders the link. How can I load another view by clicking on that link?

I tried the URL of the view /#!/Service_Datenschutz , which works in the debugger, but not in the compiled app.

Then I tried to capture the control's without success.

Any hints?


Hello Harald,

Are you using an HTML content in which you place the checkbox HTML markup?

Harald Schneider

Just like this:

Harald Schneider

Is solved it by placing a HTML box right beside the checkbox, leaving the checkbox caption empty.

I am always surprised how straight forward all these things work :-)


Hello Harald,

Try with the below HTML in a Checkbox's Caption:

Then place the below code in the Checkbox's Click event:

Harald Schneider
Thanks! This solutions works as well! :-)

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