Bug when deleting images in the app file manager

Harald Schneider

How to reproduce:

Go to the app file manager, click the image tab and ad 3 images, then close the file manager

Open the app file manager again and delete 2 of the images. then close the file manager.

Open the app file manger again. The 2 deleted images are still in the list.


Hello Harald,

Sorry, but, I can't reproduce the problem here! (?)

Harald Schneider
Maybe the difference is: All paths are on a network drive.


Hello Harald,

Maybe... it's rare anyway... But the question can be if to use a network drive can be a good idea, talking about the app files... because we wanted that the app's files can be "portable" to other systems too...

Harald Schneider

In my case it's a must-have :-) I run AB in a virtual machine on a Mac. All data is on the Mac side.


Hello Harald,

Let me to take a look when possible. Maybe I see something that can help.

Harald Schneider
Thanks for looking into it!

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