We are proud to announce that here at DecSoft we are ready for Microsoft Windows 11! The current releases of DecSoft App Builder and DecSoft HTML Compiler have been compiled in Microsoft Windows 11. Some internal changes have been made in order to properly prepare our products to run at Microsoft Windows 11, and the products have been tested in order to prove that they can perfectly work in the new Microsoft Windows version. We hope this can be useful to you as a customer of ours!

Nuestros productos funcionando en Windows 11

Microsoft Windows 11 is a great Windows 10 successor and not only incorporates aesthetical improvements, but also other interesting features, for example, is the first Microsoft Windows version which incorporates the WebView2 controls, which replace the venerable WebView controls, based on Internet Explorer.

With the new Windows 11, for example, your apps compiled with our DecSoft HTML Compiler, no need to incorporate the Edge Runtime installer, since the WebView2 controls are available in the system out of the box. You can continue incorporate the Edge Runtime in your apps, of course, to maintain the compability for previous Windows versions.

Here at DecSoft we work hard everyday to provide the best that we can to our customers and we hope you appreciate this and continue supporting us and using our products for your software projects. Enjoy Microsoft Windows 11! Enjoy DecSoft and thank you very much for your trust during the years!