Feature request: External HTML Editor

Harald Schneider

Hi, here another request :-)

It would be nice to allow an external HTML editor as an option to the internal editor.

This would give us syntax checks, autocomplete, code blocks etc. from e.g. Visual Studio Code. And you will save valuable time for more important features, without reinventing many wheels :-)

What do you think?


Hello Harald,

Well. The included HTML editor of App Builder is more or less good to deal with small pieces of HTML, which is probably for what its intended to use. On the other hand, they offer highlight syntax, search and replace features, and, more important, somethings that are only available in AB, like the icons, variables, etc.

Maybe AB can incorporate something like a "External tools" menu, so the user can establish some programs to be called from that menu, however, the integration of that programs may are not possible. That is, we can execute an external HTML editor, but, get the final edited HTML don't appear something that we can do.

Harald Schneider

What about a button inside the internal Editor, which launches its content inside Visual Code? So the user can choose between AB and all its goodies and Visual Code if he needs features from that side.

Just write the HTML to a temp file and start the external Editor with the filename as a parameter. Read the file back into the internal editor when its window gets the focus and the temp file exists.


Hello Harald,

Honestly, if the integrated HTML editor is not enough... we can always open the external editor that we wanted and just use the clipboard to copy and paste the HTML code... from one to another editor and viceversa... no buttons... no configurations (because finally the external editor must be configured in some way, we need to save their path, at least), no possible problems... because maybe a program can perfectly open an HTML file, but other programs not... etc. It's my opinion, of course!

Harald Schneider

That's the way I handle it at the moment.

I stumbled over this thought, because I had to edit huge GDPR texts etc.

Thanks for your thoughts on this!

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