Bug when changing icon in app options

Harald Schneider

How to reproduce:

Choose an icon in the the app options. Then build the app. Everythings is OK

Next change the icon path to another icon. The preview image stays the same. Build the app: the result contains the old icon.

Then open the app options again. Now the preview image is refreshed and a new build contains the new icon.


Hello Harald,

Yes; I know about the first issue yesterday while work around the "adaptative icons". I will try to fix this. However, I can't reproduce the second one, that is, if we change the icon, the new icon is used when compile: be sure that you save the app when close the options dialog and before compile it.

Harald Schneider
Aahh - oK. Can you add auto save when compile is pressed? It can be easily overseen.


Hello Harald,

The problem while update a selected icon in the app's option dialog has been fixed in this new AB release.

Harald Schneider
Great! It works as expected :-)

There is still one more thing: Clicking Build does not save all things before starting the build process. This is easily overseen and at the end I do a test run with the wrong version ....

Would be nice to have autosave at this point.


Hello Harald,

You means that the app's options are not saved automatically? If so, the point is that I am not quite sure if auto save it can be a good idea... it's better to know, that, we need to save the app, before compile or build it... if we want the latest changes to be applied.

Harald Schneider
Not the App Options. The changes in its source code. Sorry for the confusion.


It's the same... my it's my mistake, Harald. We are talking here about the same: the app is modified. If you press the Debug button, then yes, the possible changes are automatically saved before compile. But not when you press the Build or the Compile button: in this case, if we want to compile the possile changes, we must save the app by ourself. This bring us the ability to don't save the changes, for example, which can be useful in certain situations.

Harald Schneider
OK - I see. Maybe make this optional in the program settings ?


Yes; maybe can be an option... however, for some reason we leave the app unsaved when compile and build... I can't remember if for other reasons, but, maybe because save the possible changes is not something that we wanted. Or in other words, sometimes don't save the changes can be good: in fact we are trying an app version which is different to the "saved one", and this can be interesting. Remember, anyway, that the Debug button auto save the changes, Harald... you can simply use the Debug button... except when need to Build... if you doing that... the possible app's modifications are autosaved already, no need for any option. :-)

Harald Schneider
Or 2 menu entries: Build and Save&Build ?

Think we should close the thread here - don't want to stress your nerves further ... Just decide what's the best in your opinion. :-)


Hello Harald,

No problem! Don't worry for that. The point is that I can't remember ALL... but I am sure that there are more than one reason to don't auto save the app before build or compile... but remember the Debug option! The Debug options is your friend if you want to auto save the possible changes before compile the app! Of course, when you want to build the app... you must save it... but I take this as something required: we want to prepare a build, so, we assert that we use the latest version, with the latest changes properly saved.

Harald Schneider
OK - thank you very much!

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