Unfortunately iOS does not recognize app manifests. So if you install a PWA under iOS, it shows a screenshot as an icon instead of the app icon.
It can be fixed with this code in AppOptons/HTML/Custom_metadata:
Full story here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49568333/pwa-icons-are-not-used-in-ios-11-3
BTW: I tried the fallback option, mentioned in the article above, but it did not work under iOS 12.2
Can this be included automatically in AB's build process for browser apps?
Hello Harald,
I think it's possible to add that into the app's HTML file, however, what about the answer to the StackOverflow question?
FYI, when testing my PWA on localhost with a dummy SSL certificate, Safari won't use the icon when adding to homescreen. Instead it takes a screenshot of the page as the icon. Once the PWA was uploaded to the live server, with full HTTPS, the icon worked fine. Testing on iOS11.3, iPad 6th gen
Maybe the above fix the issue? Or maybe the this other answer too:
TerPro's answer is correct but as a fallback you can put a file named "/apple-touch-icon.png" in the root directory.
I used full HTTPS and I tried the fallback with the apple-touch-icon-png in the root, the www folder and the platform-www folder. No luck ...
Hello Harald,
So you try with the below...
And you see it working properly? Also in other iOS versions? If so... there is not a problem to automatically add such piece of code in the app's HTML.
Yes, it works perfectly! It is recommended by Apply since they support PWAs.
Perfect. Tested it. works like a charm. Thank you so much! :-)
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