Can we have Electron builder for Mac ?

Harald Schneider

Really, really awesome job with the new Electron platform :-)

Can we have this for the Mac, too ? It just requires AB to generate the proper build scripts. I have tested it and it works out of the box!

Here an example of the release script. There is just one special thing: The permissions of the app-builder need to be executable - see 1st line.


Hello Harald,

Yes, I agree; the Cordova's Electron appear a very interesting platform. Create native executables (and even an installer) for our apps it's very, very easy in Microsoft Windows., as we can see in the below video:

Talking about Mac OS,... are you tried the very latest release of AB? Because now we also generates SHELL files for Electron... similar than the SHELL files that we already generates for iOS. These SHELL files are intended to be used in Mac OS, and, for the Electron case, maybe also to be used in GNU/Linux, since Electron is also supported in this operating system.

I did not test the Electron SHELL files yet, however, but, in principle, they must work as expected. About the permissions... take a look at the generated SHELL files,... you can see a comment line like the below one:

I take exactly the same way than the SHELL files generated for the iOS platform, since they works like a charm here in Mac OS. When possible I want to test the new generated Electron SHELL files, in order to see if work like expected too.


Hello Harald,

I forget to mention something... certainly I expect that the SHELL files works as expected right now, however, I only prepare the signing stuff for the Microsoft Windows platform. This means that right now we can sign our apps in Microsoft Windows, but can't sign our apps in Mac OS... except if we prepare the right "build.json" file by ourself. I expect to add support to the Mac OS signing in the next App Builder release. For the possible case of GNU/Linux, apparently there is no signing stuff required.

Harald Schneider
Sorry, I missed the latest release. You code faster, than I can write posts here :-) THANK YOU!


Hello Harald,

Just for your information, the current release of App Builder add the right App options -> Cordova -> Electron -> Signing -> Mac OS options in order to provide the stuff for signing Mac OS applications compiled by the Cordova's Electron platform. You can read a bit more information here.

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