DecSoft Customers

Here in DecSoft we are very proud about our customers and work hard everyday to maintain our products well supported and updated to serve them. Below you can see some of our customers websites, not all, but, all of them already satisfied customers and users of one or more DecSoft products.

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I'd just like to let you know that I'm incredibly happy with my latest purchases, especially npDesk which is so beautifully made and easily implemented. npCard and npDraw are similarly brilliant and powerful. My humble thanks to you for letting my thoughts become reality through your genius! Every single time I purchase a plugin I am still knocked back by the speed of service and quality of the product.
Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom
[...] en el tiempo que llevo yo en este mundillo del VisualNeo, para mi gusto, tus plugins son los que mas te solucionan la papeleta, por lo menos para las cosas que yo hago.
Aquilino García, León, España
Great Plug David! [npGaug] Who doesn't want to watch a dial needle make it's way across the face of an instrument. Reminds me of my old days when I had my 68 Plymouth Roadrunner. I'd floor the pedal and watch my tachometer needle fly across the dial. But then I digress and day dream.... Hmmm now I can create a pub that will do just that. David you continue to support the NeoWorld with great plugins. I appreciate your work and effort.
Donald Walker, Lorena, Texas

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