App Builder

2024.60 · 22/11/2024

Entorno visual de desarrollo interactivo para crear modernas apps HTML5, Web Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Web Extensions y aplicaciones híbridas para navegadores de escritorio y móviles, Android, iOS, Windows y más.

HTML Compiler

2024.14 · 22/11/2024

Compile sus apps y juegos HTML en ejecutables para Microsoft Windows de 32 y 64 bits de la forma más sencilla y poderosa, permitiéndole hacer cosas que incluso las modernas apps y juegos HTML no pueden hacer gracias a nuestro JavaScript.


2024.2 · 01/07/2024

Aquí en DecSoft puede encontrar la mejor y más grande colección de plug-ins de VisualNeo en todo el mundo. Disfrute de nuestros 60 excelentes plug-ins, que le ofrecen 1166 acciones y 237 ejemplos para mejorar todas sus aplicaciones VisualNeo.

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I love what you did with the DecSoft App Builder. Very nice. Your product is quite amazing. I wish I could help you spread the word on it. You really have something quite unique. While there are many development tools on the planet, what you combined together, in that level of ease, is indeed unique these days.
Frank Russ, New York, USA
Great Plug David! [npGaug] Who doesn't want to watch a dial needle make it's way across the face of an instrument. Reminds me of my old days when I had my 68 Plymouth Roadrunner. I'd floor the pedal and watch my tachometer needle fly across the dial. But then I digress and day dream.... Hmmm now I can create a pub that will do just that. David you continue to support the NeoWorld with great plugins. I appreciate your work and effort.
Donald Walker, Lorena, Texas
PERFECT! [...] Awesome how great your [DecSoft App Builder] software and support is. I will SWEAR by it and use it for all mobile and HTML5 programming.
Mike Felker, Cigar Lane, USA

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