App Builder

2025.2 · 02-03-2025

Professional visual integrated development environment to create modern HTML5 apps, Web Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Web Extensions and Hybrid apps for both mobile and desktop browsers, Android, iOS, Windows and more.

HTML Compiler

2025.2 · 02-03-2025

Compile your modern HTML apps and games into executables for both Microsoft Windows 32 and 64 bits in the most easy and powerful way, allowing you to do things that even modern HTML apps can't do thanks to our provided JavaScript functions.


2025.1 · 01-01-2025

Here at DecSoft you can find the very best and very largest VisualNeo plug-in collection in the worldwide. Enjoy our 60 excellent plug-ins, which give you 1166 actions and 237 examples to enhance all your VisualNeo applications.

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[...] As I have said a few times David I am so impressed with your work and support too. Really your have made a huge difference to what I am able to do. So thank you! Stay safe & well.
Jason Roberts, Wellington, New Zealand
A pesar de que hace muy poco tiempo he comenzado a utilizar tus plugins, me he dado cuenta que son MUY ÚTILES, que nos dan una muy buena performance en nuestras aplicaciones y que atrás de todo esto se puede percibir la CALIDAD DE PERSONA, que NO nos deja solo y nos acompaña en todo momento con el servicio técnico. Vayan mis más sinceras FELICITACTIONES, muchos ÉXITOS y un FUERTE ABRAZO desde este lado del continente.
Luis E. Marcantoni, Entre Ríos, Argentina
I moved from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder, because of its robustness and simplicity. In the past, several macOS or IONIC updates broke my toolchain. As a result, small app changes on an already finished project often took hours. Porting projects from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder is a breeze. Now I can develop in a fragment of my time and I can always be sure that nothing breaks. Thanks for your excellent work!
Harald Schneider, Germany

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