I upload .ipa package in my Apple Dashboard, but during the process a warning message arise:
Missing App Store Icon. iOS Apps must include a 1024x1024px App Store Icon in PNG format. Without providing the icon in the Asset
Catalog or via iTunes Connect, apps cannot be submitted for App Review or Beta App Review
where in app builder project or relative paths do i can save this icon image .png?
Balscioi Spassiba
I use Open OpenWindow "http://www.facebook.com/weupbrand" "false" "_self" "[refwin]" to open a new window in facebook url clicking on facebook icon in APP View, but when i return to APP using Back Button, the session/global variables are blanked, they lose their original value. How Can I manage it to avoid this situation.
Balscioi Spassiba
Vale David I Solved the problem forcing versione of cordova plugin:
with spec=3.0.0. editing directly/manually the config.xml
How i can force this directive in the App project.
Ola David
I find some difficulties to read and write text file in the data directory. Obviously I followed your 'Files' demo by adding the appropriate plugin cordova-plugin-file. Probably it can help you that at installation time of the apk it does not appear permission: read from SD contents (unique permission LAN access).
Balscioi Spassiba
I am particularly interested in the use of themes in your environment, I will try to do so searching in help or forum.
I tried to find in the properties of Views something to set gradient color for that container, I didn't succeeded in this task, can you help me in this search?
By the way, are there gradient color properties for objects in the container (like buttons) too?
In the job of porting old projects in MobiOne to your App builder environment, I met on several occasions the need to create dynamic lists selectale or with text boxes editable inside. Is the menu control, the most appropriate object to implement this type of functionality or are there other solutions ?
Gracias de antemano
About the development of mobile apps,do exist in app builder specific actions (ABScript for instance or other way) to access and update a local db like sqllite ?
tanks in advance
Ok perfect it was necessary just to save the project as you suggest .... i had check the option and confirm the dialog window without saving the project
Muchas Gacias y Hasta Luego
Molte Grazie e alla prossima
I am a PhoneGap user, I appreciated that your application, APP builder, supports such online compilation system, generating config.xml automatically. I downloaded the free version to check this feature, but despite having checked the option Create a Cordova config files in the app options, i do not find this file in the build directory. Is there required another preliminary operation to generate such a file?
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