Posts by Guest

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276 posts found, page 8 of 19

Guest (In thread: Can we use application's variables inside the Menu control's items?)

Works as well.

Guest (In thread: Can we use application's variables inside the Menu control's items?)

Great! That will work.

Guest (In thread: Can we use application's variables inside the Menu control's items?)

Hi David

Would it be possible to use variables in the Menu.Items property in the menu control ?

Rather than have an item " MyApp"

Can we use something " [App.ID]" ?

Or is there some way we can parse these ourselves?

Guest (In thread: How do I populate a iFrame with a website)

My appologies.
I actually debuged and it worked well on the browser.
Since u already recommended the apache cordova i will try that.
But were u able to check the file i sent?

Guest (In thread: How do I populate a iFrame with a website)

Hi David,

Thanks once more for this marvelous work you are doing.
I have created an app with an Iframe and a Menu, I have debugged and compressed the app. I later uploaded it to Adobe Phonegap build, but when I tested the app I cant see the content of the Iframe.

I sent u a mail earlier

Guest (In thread: Some rare issue with the Cordova Camera Image Size)

Thanks David.
That seems to be the issue - got it working.
I specified both the height and the width and then it all worked!


ps. For other people out there I can warn that you get an "JSON Error" unspecified , if you make the quality too low in the Cordova Camera Plugin.

Guest (In thread: Some rare issue with the Cordova Camera Image Size)

Hello there David.

I'm still playing with the AppBuilder. Currently on version 2016.224

So basically I'm taking a picture, and then saving the base64 data into some other variable.
i do this, since I might be getting the picture from more than one source.

Then I upload the image to the web.

What I cannot seem to fix, is to get the camera data to be bigger than 216x288 size?
It is always that size - no matter if I get it from the gallery, or if I get it from the camera.

I was hoping that specifying "TargetWidth" will get me a better quality image, but the image is always about 5K size and always width of 216 and length of 288. No matter what phone I use.

I seems as if the cordova camera plugin make the choice of 216x288? And we as users cannot override it?

ps. Just as a sidenote - If I lower the quality too much, I get a "Error compressing image" error.

Hope you can help me with this one!

Guest (In thread: Using the Menu Component and other related questions)

Another question i have:
Is there a way to embed a webpage in app builder

Guest (In thread: Using the Menu Component and other related questions)

Hi David,

I tried it and it worked fanastic
Thanks a lot

Guest (In thread: How do I recover my .key file password)

I have singed an app with AB sign tool and after a few days I forgot the key alias name and password, though I used same password for keystore and key alias.

How do I retrieve or get to know these two important values? For practice sake, I can just re create another keystore file. But what if the file is already released to PlayStore and needed to be updated?

I think this can be very dangerous, so it's good to know about it for the feature

Thanks, I'm just exploring AB capabilities.

Guest (In thread: Using the Menu Component and other related questions)

Wow David
Thanks so much for the prompt response i am really impress.

I will let u know of the outcome.

Guest (In thread: Using the Menu Component and other related questions)

Hi David I saw your program and its fantastic.

How do I change veiws based on item selected from a menu

Guest (In thread: How to feed a Select control depending on what is choosed in another)

I have updated my AB copy but cannot find the Select2. I thought you have already ncluded it befor asking me to update, physically I didnt see changes to the version I'm using.

And I will appreciate if you give me tips on how to do this. The learning process is usually not easy.


Guest (In thread: How to feed a Select control depending on what is choosed in another)

I have two select controls and want if I select State then the second should pupulate with the appropriate cities, so that a user can select from the list.

These controls can be Dropdown or select control I don't mind, but just to achieve the above. Pls. Friends how do I do that?

I'm afraid to think of Functions, since I have not started using it.


Guest (In thread: How to load JSON object into variable from Httpresponse)

Exactly what I need.

So if I more than one JSON object, I would use a "1" or a "2" where the "0" is at the moment?
ArrayGetItem "[HttpClient.Response]" "0" "[JSONObject]"

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