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Ce plugin [npMsgs] est une nécessité pour des applications réduites et est vite amorti car il "reveille" l application tout en empêchant que plusieurs occurrences de la même application s exécutent. Mais il permet aussi de passer naturellement des messages d une application à l autre. C est un vrai gain de temps.
Samuel Vanneste, Fontenay le Fleury, France
If you are looking for a development tool that enables you to build a wide range of applications (HTML5 applications, Web applications, Web Extensions and Hybrid applications) for mobiles and desktops then you should look no further than DecSoft App Builder. DecSoft App Builders easy and powerful user interface enables the developer to rapidly produce effective software solutions. You also receive a level of support from it’s developer that is second to none. I have been using DecSoft App Builder for a few years now and it has become my preferred development tool for creating HTML5 applications, Web applications, Web Extensions and Hybrid applications. If you are serious about developing these types of applications I recommend you invest in this tool. You won’t regret it.
John Clarke, Penge, London, United Kingdom
A pesar de que hace muy poco tiempo he comenzado a utilizar tus plugins, me he dado cuenta que son MUY ÚTILES, que nos dan una muy buena performance en nuestras aplicaciones y que atrás de todo esto se puede percibir la CALIDAD DE PERSONA, que NO nos deja solo y nos acompaña en todo momento con el servicio técnico. Vayan mis más sinceras FELICITACTIONES, muchos ÉXITOS y un FUERTE ABRAZO desde este lado del continente.
Luis E. Marcantoni, Entre Ríos, Argentina

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