When I enter a URL into the text box and press enter the website will be displayed on the web browser on the panel
I would appreciate all advice offered regarding this
When I enter a URL into the text box and press enter the website will be displayed on the web browser on the panel
I would appreciate all advice offered regarding this
Hello John,
I think that what you can may use is an IFrame HTML control. Since you can change the IFrame's source / URL, you can create something similar to a browser. Of course, we can find some possible limitations, and, the most important, can be that not all the websites are allowed to be shown inside an IFrame, so, depend on the website that you want to visit, you can enter in troubles that cannot be solved, since do not depend on you nor the IFrame control, but on the website's server itself. There are a couple of IFrame sample apps included with DecSoft App Builder, so, you can take a look at it.
Hello John,
Yes; certainly the IFrame control can be interesting. One of the sample app that you can see shown this website in particular, and, as you can see, there is no problem (or not too much problems) with it. The second sample app is maybe more interesting, because show how we can communicate between the IFrame and the website (or HTML file) which is shown in the IFrame, and, this can be interesting if we need something like that. So the IFrame control can be very good, even when probably cannot be considered something like an entire browser embedded in our app.
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