suggest new action David.

Tinn Aphopchung

I test your app builder.It very easy to build mobile app and web app.I use alittle time to learning this app.(Because it easy to use).After I test, I suggest to have 2 action
1.action back I test in android app like back botton in android(like back in browser)
I use javascript to fix this
2.action to confirm exit app in android(ios you cannot exit)

thanks for developed this IDE.


Hello Tin,

Thanks for posting and for your interest in my work at App Builder.

I test your app builder.It very easy to build mobile app and web app. I use alittle time to learning this app.(Because it easy to use). After I test, I suggest to have 2 action:

1. action back I test in android app like back botton in android (like back in browser)

I use javascript to fix this




What action are you using to show another app's view? If we use the "ReplaceView" action, that certainly override the browser history, which is something we wanted sometimes. But we can also use the "ShowView" action, and, this action put the view into the browser history, then we can use the "back" and "forward" buttons.

2. action to confirm exit app in android (ios you cannot exit)

I want you to take a look at this forum's thread. Even when we can use certain stuff like ";", the thruth is this stuff is not official documented into the Apache Cordova documentation. I think we need to consider here the behind operating system and their app's live cycle. Interfer in that cycle maybe it's not a good idea at the end.

Anyway I want to prepare a sample for this question. We can do it using Javascript following this StackOverflow thread, however, some changes must be made in App Builder in order to be ready with the "BackButton" app's event. Right now the program does not send the "event" variable here, then we can't "prevent" the default behaviour. I want to change this as quickly as possible Tin.

thanks for developed this IDE.

Thanks you for your kindly words Tin.

Tinn Aphopchung

1.yes I use ShowView because Android user have backbutton that can getback to old view with backbutton(if use replace view when press back button it will exit app.)
2.thanks for advice me I will try it by "VarIsUndefined action mainView"(to check view before take action) before take that action.


Hello tin,

The problem with the second question is that currently App Builder do not provide us the appropiate app's variable in order to prevent the default back button behaviour. The next AB release must allow us access to that variable so we can try to implement the StackOverflow solution but using our own app's BackButton event instead to prepare a handler for that using Javascript.

Tinn Aphopchung

the second question,I try to use variable to determine which views that I want the confirm exit app will appear because App builder no event that detect which view is showing now by coding like this in backbutton App action

(NavigateBack it's a function call history.back() event)
(ConfirmCallback it's a function call



Hello tin,

I am also testing this by myself. In the meanwhile, I don't know if what you wanted is the "[App.CurrentView]" variable, which contains the current app's view? Here more app's global variables.

Tinn Aphopchung

Wow that what I looking for,David [App.CurrentView] I change code to



Hello tin,

Please, update your App Builder's copy. Between other things, I include a new "ConfirmExit" app sample. This application sample uses the app's "BackButton" event in order to confirm the user wanted to exit our application (using that button).

Certainly I found a bug in the "VarIsTrue" action (and others too, more information into the program's history file) and for that reason maybe you get anoying when try to implement the confirmation by yourself.

Please, take a look at the "ConfirmExit" sample and take a look at the app's "BackButton" event and the "ApplicationExitCallback" app's function. Hope this sample can be useful for you and others tin.

P.S. Yes; of course use the "[App.CurrentView]" can be also a good thing here.

Tinn Aphopchung

Thanks I test sample work perfectly(the same code)
and how about next release with action navigateback action

thanks David to help for a better IDE


Hello tin,

Yes; maybe such actions can be a good idea! Probably the next release count with them. Thanks for the suggestion!

P.S. Of course, in the meanwhile, you know we can use the "StartJS" and "EndJS" actions in this way:

Ade Wale

Hi David,
Big thanks. I have been looking for this action. It is really useful me.


Hello to all,

I publish right now a new AB release which contains a couple of new actions: HistoryBack and HistoryForward, as well a new History app sample. Hope this can be useful for you.

Tinn Aphopchung

Wow very quickly developed!! thanks David
if I have other idea,I will tell you.



Wow very quickly developed!! thanks David
if I have other idea,I will tell you.

Thanks tin!

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