Extending the Developers Tools

John Clarke

I am doing a lot of work involving creating a browser plugin. However, I am interested in extending the browsers developers tools. There is an article in the Mozilla website which explain that. Is it possible to implement this using App Builder ?

Thanks in advance


Hello John,

Yes; I made some investigations and finally published a new release of the product which allows to extend the browser's Developer Tools from the WebExtension apps created with DecSoft App Builder.

John Clarke
Thanks for this David. Although when I looked at the WebExtension4 sample app I couldn't see the new tab it had added to the Developers Tools on Chrome.


Hello John,

Humm... please, be sure that you install the WebExtension properly, and then navigate to a new tab in order to see if works as expected: I try the WebExtension4 sample app with Firefox, Chrome and Edge and works as expected. Update Chrome may can help?

John Clarke
I can see it now. Thanks for adding this feature.


Hello John,

Always thank you for your trust!

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