Detecting pitch in voice

John Clarke
I am looking for a way to detect the pitch in a persons voice. For example when they raise their voice (at the end of a question) or lower it (at the end of a sentence). Do you know of any libraries or code that can help with this?


Hello John,

At a first chance I am not sure what to say. Are you already using some specific Javascript library, browser API or Cordova plugin? What is the target platforms of the app?

John Clarke
I am interested in making it a web app and a cordova app.


Hello John,

If you want to target the browser platform, then the first option must be to avoid Cordova plugins: even when it's possible to know the platform in which the app is running, and then we can may use a Cordova plugin when possible. Maybe in this case you must look for the Web Audio API, since I think that can work also in platforms like Android and iOS, in addition to modern browsers, without any Cordova plugin required.

On the other hand, we can find various Javascript libraries, like WadJS. If I am not wrong this library (for example) rely on the Web Audio API, and offer things like "Pitch detection", that maybe can be interesting to you. Anyway I have no experience in the referred API nor this kind of libraries, John, so I can't help you too much, except for the links that I place in this post: of course, if you find some particular trouble I can try to help you on that.

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