Splashscreen for Android 12+

Mario Steinbacher

Hello David!

It seems like there is a bug on creating config.xml and the batch files.

The plugin cordova-plugin-splashscreen is missing in the batch files (or do we have to add it manually for Android)

In the config.xml are the correct preferences but some lines down there are weird splashscreen preferences like 'AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground'.

thanks for your work and best regards, Mario.


Hello Mario,

In a previous release release of DecSoft App Builder we start to follow the latest version of Apache Cordova (mainly for the latest version of the Cordova Android and Cordova iOS), which do not use the splash screen plugin anymore, since it's now incorporated in the core of Apache Cordova.

So what you need is to compile the app with the latest version of Cordova Android and Cordova iOS. Apache Cordova changes the way in which the splash screen is defined in Android, due to the fact of the introduction of a new Google API for Android 12.

You can compile the app for Android using the API level 32 (it's the default value now in the app options -> Cordova -> Android) and you set the app option -> Android -> Cordova version to "latest" or "11.0.0" in order to be ready with the new splash screen API.

Talking about Cordova iOS the things continue working like before, but we no need the Cordova splash screen plugin anymore. Talking about Cordova Android, the background color of the splash screen that you can set from the app options are used now in this platform.

Mario Steinbacher


yea, that's what I was thinking about and have also done.

but the prefernce for the new api 'AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground' (if this is for the new api) has the default color #464646 and not that one I have choosen. The choosen color is only in the old preference 'SplashScreenBackgroundColor'.

for testing I have changed the color manually and voila it worked.

best regards mario


Hello Mario,

It's a bit rare... because as you know we already have a background color for the splash screen for other platforms, and, this is the background color used for the new "AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground" value. So, in principle, if you open the app (an app which is saved with a previous release of AB) and then save it again (just save it), the background color must be used for the "AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground" new key.

What I think is that you never changes the splash screen background color option (it's normal, since this option is not used for Android nor iOS before), so you leave it as the default value, so the "AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground" new key used that default value. But if you change the splash screen background color from the app option and you save the app, the next time you compile the app the new color is what must be used.

Mario Steinbacher


yes ... but no.

I did use background color in the past and now I changed it to a totally diffent one cleared the cache closed project and even app builder itself but the new api AndroidWindowSplashScreenBackground always keeps #464646 in config.xml but the old preference changes as expected.



Hello Mario,

OMG... I need to apologize... certainly I can see the behaviour that you describes and therefore something is wrong. I was confused, because, I am working in certain app days ago and apparently the option works as expected. So let me to take a look and try to figure out what can happen: I will keep you informed, Mario.


Hello Mario,

Please, update your AB copy: I publish right now a new release which fix the bug that you discovered.

Sorry for the possible inconveniences and thanks for the report, sir!

Mario Steinbacher

no problem

thank you for your fast update policy.

best regards



Hello Mario,

no problem

thank you for your fast update policy.

best regards


Always thank you for your trust!

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