Update Issue

Ade Wale


Has anybody encounter this issue?

Tinn Aphopchung

It about permission control in window 10.
You need to right click at installer and select Run as Administrator will solve this problem. :D
Or take ownership at C:\Program Files\

Ade Wale
It about permission control in window 10.
You need to right click at installer and select Run as Administrator will solve this problem. :D
Or take ownership at C:\Program Files\


True, my UAC is disable already from the registry. I am using Windows 10 Enterprise I have tweak my windows 10 maybe that is why I am facing issue with Cordova, AB etc.

Thanks the issue resolved by updates.

Tinn Aphopchung

Here,This is registry to add take ownership from right click.
You can right click at program file folder and take ownership it,edunt.

Ade Wale

Hi Tin,

Thanks. It is already what I have done manually (disable) on the windows registry.



In principle App Builder nor the program installer requires administrator privileges. Certainly the problem exposed here is apparently related with permissions, but, by default (and in normal circumstances) my software never requires administrator privileges in order to be correctly installed and for properly work.

Ade Wale

In principle App Builder nor the program installer requires administrator privileges. Certainly the problem exposed here is apparently related with permissions, but, by default (and in normal circumstances) my software never requires administrator privileges in order to be correctly installed and for properly work.


You are right. I think the problem is MS**t Windows 10 that is causing the issue for me.

Thanks your for insight.

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