Inline style in toasts container

Mario Steinbacher

Hello David!

Maybe I have found a bug.

When using a toast the ".toast-container" element has an inline style attribute with "z-index: 0" and does therefore overwrite the default bootstrap z-index value and also my custom one.

best regards



Hello Mario,

Certainly, there is an inline style like you see. I honestly can't remember the reason, but, I remove it and make some tests, and, apparently everything is right. So I remove the inline style from there and publish a new release of the product right now, so you can update your copy, sir, and, take a look.

P.S. After a bit more research, apparently the inline style is intended to place the possible modal alerts above the toasts, however, probably it's better to not do that, I mean, probably the toast must be above everything else, including the modal alerts. So for now we keep the make change: remove the inline style from the toasts container.

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