Just Want To Share - Parse Vs GCM & No More Parse in 2017

Ade Wale

Hi Guys,

I just want to share this information. It might be useful for you.

If you look at [color=blue]https://parse.com/tutorials/android-push-notifications[/color]) you can see:

The Parse library provides push notifications by using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM).

So you have to register your app to GCM console to send push notification in anyway.

When to NOT use parse.com?

If you already have a backend service, you can easily implement push notification since there are plenty of third part libraries for different platforms such as node.js, php etc.

When to use parse.com?

If you don't have backend-service and you just want to send push notifications also if you don't want to spend your time by setting up server stuff then you can go with parse.com

NOTE: Facebook shuts down parse by next year so please consider it.([color=blue]https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server[/color])

Meanwhile: Parser server: [color=blue]https://github.com/ParsePlatform/parse-server[/color]


Hello Ade,

Thanks for sharing. Just to remember... App Builder includes the "Pusher" and "PusherPlugin" app samples. The first one can be useful if we wanted to use the service provided by Pusher.com. We have a Pusher component out of the box in App Builder and such app sample show us how to use it.

The "Pusher" notifications can be fine, however, they are web based push notifications. The good part is we no need any Cordova plugin, so this push notifications can be deployed in browsers. On the onther hand, the "PusherPlugin" app sample show us how to use certain Cordova's plugin to do it.

In this last case we need build our application using Apache Cordova and the appropiate plugin, but, the push notifications appear in our phones even if our application is not executed or if they are in the background. The "PushPlugin" uses the google GCM services in the background, then we need an account, etc.

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