change : window.App.RootScope.SomeAppVariable = 'Hello world!';
to: window.App.RootScope.SomeAppVariable = '12345Hello world!';
it still show 'Hello world!'
even I delete the code in button1 and button2,
Ctrl+F9,It still show 'Hello world!'
Hello reg4app,
Humm... probably you are using the "Run" (CTRL+F9) command instead the "Debug" (F9) one? Remember the Run command launch the latest app compilation, but the Debug one save the possible app changes before compile it and finally launch it.
On the other hand, if I do what you said and change the code, I get the expected results here. So, maybe you are talking about the "Hello world" that appear in the AlertBox? If so, note that such AlertBox do not use the variable you refer, but shown by certain app function.
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