Using local fonts in your APP - CSS3 @font-face

Eduardo Alfaro


I doing lots of things with your APP Builder software... Rigth know I want to customize my "testing APP" with a font donloaded from GoogleFonts, because I want to use it offline, locally.

Well, I have downloaded the font, and converted from TFF to WOFF (that seems more compatible with all browsers), then I load the converter font with your software "file's manager" (F6) in others... and then, I have tried to add this CSS code to the APP Builder inline CSS, but it is not working.

The code I have typed at inline CSS:

I have used SetStyle action, but it is not working. Also I have set the new font family "ownFont" at Style tap of the object, and it is not working. It only works, if I create a HTML tool, and then, insert something like this:


and then, set "ownFont" at Style tap.


once the style it is working on HTML tool, I can set-up to all objets or tools the new font-family on style tap. It is not working from inline css.

Can you tell me if we can use @font-face on inline css?? Any idea or suggestion??
Thank you so much!!!!



Hello Eduardo,

Please, try with something like this:

Note how the app folders are organized:

Then, if we want to refer a file from an stylesheet, we need to "salt up" a folder like in the above CSS code.

Try it and tell me if they works or what!

Eduardo Alfaro


It is working very good!!!! Thank you so much for your great support. A++++++++++++



You're welcome! ;)

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