Print Documents (AirPrint and Android Printing Framework)

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Andreas Klein


Here is an tutorial how to print over iOS AirPrint and Android Printing Framework using a Cordova Plugin.

Open your App Options and write in the Custom plugins Textfield under the Cordova Tab following Line:

Next Click on the OK Button and Save your work.

After that create a new JScript function in the (Functions Manager) call them print or another clear name.

if you have done this write the following in the empty function:

Close the "Function window" create an push element under (Buttons) in your designer Change the Text to "Print Me" or another clear name.

Double Click on your Created Push Button and search from your actions your created function click on them.

Save your work and compile your App!

You can Print a Text over AirPrint (iOS) and Android Printing Framework.

Hopeful this was clear to understand and would help some of you.


Hello Andreas,

Welcome to the forum and thanks very much for sharing this! :)

Andreas Klein

Thank you David,
You're Welcome :)

Yang Ghua

will try,thanks,Andreas

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