What to do in order to get the Cordova's BAT files

Ade Wale

After I finish a project, click on build to generate output files, I am using my laptop although apache cordova is not installed on it.
But there is only www folder created.
What could be the issue?


Hello Ade,

Apache Cordova is not required at all in order to create the appropiate configuration file, BAT files, icons, splashs, etc. If you can't get such files created (and you wanted for that) the only "issue" is to check the appropiate CheckBoxes in the app's options dialog, undert the Cordova tab.

Then you MUST save the application, and then use the Build command, never the Debug, since this latest one never create files who never use. So open the application, Ade, assert the appropiate CheckBoxes are checked, then press the options dialog's "Ok" button, and after that save the application by pressing the Disk button or just using the CTRL+S shortcut keys.

Ade Wale

Hi David,

Please ignore this post. It is my mistake issue solved.



Hello Ade,

No problem. With a more or less good descriptive forum's thread title and my little explaination, may this thread can help to someone in the future. :)

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