Can You Use these Multimedia Framework integrated into AppBuilder?

Ade Wale

Hi David,
I came across this framework, is it possible to be integrated in AB software?

1. Vitamio is an open multimedia framework for Android and iOS, with full and real hardware accelerated decoder and renderer.

2. Delphi/Lazarus/Free Pascal/Firemonkey VideoLAN player 2.2.5 for iOS and Android using FMX

I have used option 2 in the past when I use to program in Delphi 2007 and XE2.


AB rock!


Hello Ade,

If you can integrate such stuff into an Apache Cordova's plugin, then yes, you can use the plugin's API from App Builder just like any other Cordova's plugin. Learn how to develop Apache Cordova's plugins here.

Ade Wale

Hi David,

I just saw and want to inform you if it might be useful.


AB rocks!


Thanks Ade! :)

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