Pushing data into an object for a report and when to use square bracks


Hi there.

I'm trying to assign data to a report via the ".data" method.
something like this..

But I get an error :

I am trying to list the properties .. with a column A and a column B
In my report.html I have something like...

I also tried..

The other thing - and I'm sorry to ask two questions in one...
When do I use "test" and when do I use "[test]"
As I understand it the only time to use "test" is when you create a new object. All other times you use square brackets.

Or could I create an object from a variable if i use square brackets?


Hello fakie,

Are you tried with the "Report4" sample? Because in fact they use the [Report.Data] variable instead of the Report's URL, so I think that's exactly what you wanted. Please take a look at that sample. And, about your other question, in general we can use both "[brackets]" and "nobrackets" when deal with variables in actions, however, as a recomendation probably it's a good thing to always use the brackets with actions' arguments variables.


Thanks. That was fast!

I solved my problem -
1. I used ObjectsetProp "[test]" "B" "[myvalue]" and not ObjectsetProp "test" "B" "[myvalue]"
2. I used test.A in my report - but seems the builtin variable Record.A must be used.



Hello fakie,

Thanks. That was fast!

I solved my problem -
1. I used ObjectsetProp "[test]" "B" "[myvalue]" and not ObjectsetProp "test" "B" "[myvalue]"
2. I used test.A in my report - but seems the builtin variable Record.A must be used.


Yes; certainly for that reason (too much actions to remember all of them right now!) I always recommend to use the brackets when variables, except if the help said something else.

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