Report Control table with two or more rows and colspan

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,

I am working with AB Report Control, and I would like to know if there is any way to do something like this:

I have tried, but the body(html) it is not working, and I would like to do with TABLE wrapper, so all the cols width (in header and body) will match width the content. Do you have any suggestion or clue to achieve this?

Thank you so much!


Hello Eduardo,

If I am understand well, what you wanted is to shown the Report's record's rows with the same height? If so, you can try with the "special" CSS class "ReportNameRow" like in the below CSS code, that can be placed in the app's Inline CSS option, for example:

On the other hand you can also try the below HTML code instead your own one:

Note how we do not include the "TR" HTML tag inside the Report's HTML property. Please, Eduardo, let me know if you have any further question.


Hello Eduardo,

I am not quite sure that's is exactly what you wanted, but I modify the Report10 sample (which already uses the "colspan" in their footer) to use the "colspan" attribute in the Report's HTML property. Download this sample and take a look.

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,

Thank you so much!!!
I would like to have something like this:

But I really do not know how to do the multi-line ROW.

Thank you so much!!!


Hello Eduardo,

One possible way to achieve that is to use certain record's property. So, for example, the record can include an (or just have one) "Description" property, then we can look for this and shown when exists in the way that you wanted (occuping the three columns). If the record's "Description" is empty then the record are shown normally. Maybe another possible approach can be taken too. Please, download this sample, take a look, and then tell me if something like that can works for you.

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,

Thank you very much!!!
Your sample was very useful!!


Hello David,

Thank you very much!!!
Your sample was very useful!!


You're welcome! :)

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