how can I get a mouse hot track effect in Report control with 'Table'

Yang Ghua

that is mean,while the mouse move along the row records,
the row record that under the mouse's point should Highlight or something!


Hello Joshua,

Probably this bit of CSS in the app's Inline CSS option can do the job:

Take a look at this modified Report13 sample, which also contains some stuff maybe interesting for you.

Yang Ghua

That's pretty good enough!



That's pretty good enough!

Glad to know Joshua! :)

Yang Ghua

If I Set the report's Html to something like

Can I still manage to get the 'Hot track' effect?


Hello Joshua,

If I Set the report's Html to something like

Can I still manage to get the 'Hot track' effect?

I think yes, since the "hover" style is applied to the Report's table's rows...

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