Smart TV development for LG with webOS

Joseph Caristena

I would like to ask if I can use App Builder
for Smart TV development for LG with webOS.

If yes how the project must be deployed ?

Here is the link:

Let me know.


Hello Joshep,

Certainly I don't know about that project (which sound interesting anyway) but apparently, between other instructions (refered in the project's page), we have these points:

1º Create a WebOS project with WebOS IDE and copy the www directory's content to the WebOS project.

2º Copy the built cordova-js/pkg/ to your WebOS project directory's root with name cordova.js.

3º Build the WebOS project.

Certainly, when we build an application from App Builder we get an "www" directory (between others directories and files). Insaid the "www" directory we can find the "cordova.js" file (generated also by App Builder). Apparently this file must be replaced by one created by the project that you refer (see above the point number 2).

In principle I don't know if more is needed or required. I have some doubt, for example, about if we must build the app using Cordova, that is, preparing the BAT files (App Builder do that) in order to compile the app for Android, for example,... but this is not apparently what we must to do, since one thing is the Android platform, and other thing what the refered project probably needs.

If I am not wrong (I am sorry, but I can't test it, because I don't have the appropiate WebOS environment nor IDE) we only need the "www" files of our application, and the apparently important point number 2, that is, replace the original "www/cordova.js" file by the created with the help of the refered project. After this the things probable can work (see the point number 3) but you must try it.

Ade Wale


The LG WebOS SDK, IDE and Instruction can be found here


The knowledge of AB will help you to some existent but you can not use AB because LG WebOS have his own IDE and and language structure.

However, you can use AB for creating android TV apps. eg. Android boxes which is now common is towns.

I will discuss this with David if he is not aware of it already.


Hello to all,

The knowledge of AB will help you to some existent but you can not use AB because LG WebOS have his own IDE and and language structure.

I think this is not correct. The project linked in the first post requires an HTML application and a Cordova's "config.xml": both of them can be provided by App Builder without problems. In fact WebOS are one of the available platforms for Cordova sometime ago. Not right now. So I think the project linked in the first post allow us to create that kind of TV applications from an AB one.

cordova-tv-webos is an TV application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the WebOS TV Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

So, as you can read, AB is capable to produce the HTML5 app and the Cordova's config file. All of this following the documentation of the project. Certainly I can't try it, because I dont' have the appropiate environment. But according to the project page that is possible.

Ade Wale

I mean You can use AB for creating android TV apps but for LG WebOS you need to use their SDK and the IDE, JSON knowledge is required and java. etc.


Hello to all,

I mean You can use AB for creating android TV apps but for LG WebOS you need to use their SDK and the IDE, JSON knowledge is required and java. etc.

The point is not if WebOS requires an specific IDE. When we develop apps for iOS, we compile our AB applications using Apache Cordova, and, what Cordova produces is an XCode (the IDE of MacOS) project, ready to be open with XCode if we wanted.

I think this case is more or less similar. AB produces an HTML5 application and the appropiate Cordova stuff, and, the project linked in the first post. take that application and convert it to a project for the WebOS platform IDE, ready to deploy the final app.

Ade Wale
Hello to all,

I mean You can use AB for creating android TV apps but for LG WebOS you need to use their SDK and the IDE, JSON knowledge is required and java. etc.

The point is not if WebOS requires an specific IDE. When we develop apps for iOS, we compile our AB applications using Apache Cordova, and, what Cordova produces is an XCode (the IDE of MacOS) project, ready to be open with XCode if we wanted.

I think this case is more or less similar. AB produces an HTML5 application and the appropiate Cordova stuff, and, the project linked in the first post. take that application and convert it to a project for the WebOS platform IDE, ready to deploy the final app.

Hi David,

I see. It make sense.
Thanks for clearing the doubt.

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