How to include JavaScript Framework within AppBuilder?

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello to anyone…

I am wondering about if we can include a JavaScript framework (or more than one) into our APP with AppBuilder.

I mean, there are a lot of JS (JavaScript) frameworks that gives you a lot of new functionalities and powerful features so you can include all of them into your own projects, websites and hybrid-apps.

I have tried to include, for example, “paper.js” JS frameworkb, but I really do not know to proceed or complete the process.

Please, if you have time, take a look to its website for more information:

I know how to include the JavaScript “.js” file with the AppBuilder APP File Manager... but I do not know how to call it and then create the canvas.

First of all you need to call the “.js” file:

Then next, create the script code for the canvas:

And finally, call the canvas:

Do you have any idea how to include this and other JS Framework whintin AppBuilder?

I think this kind of feature will be..... gorgeous!!! ;-D

Thank you so much!!!



Hello Eduardo,

Certainly its possible to use thirdparty Javascript in our DecSoft's App Builder applications. As you know, basically we must to include the appropriate Javascript file(s) using the Files Manager, and, in the proper order. Most of times we need to prepare an HTML Content control that contain the elements for our Javascript code, for example, a "canvas" HTML element like in the case of Paper.js.

After that we need to deal with the Javascript code in the proper way, for example, I am not sure about your above code, because they don't initialize any canvas element. Basically, after add the appropriate Javascript files, we must use the right Javascript code in the right place in our application: you know that we can use Javascript code in any place, just placing it between the "StartJS" and "EndJS" actions.

I prepare a "PaperJs" sample for you that shown how we can use the jQuery the Paper.js Javascript libraries in our applications. This sample is included now in the current DecSoft's App Builder release, but I also upload it here for your convenience:

Eduardo Alfaro

Hello David,


This JS library gives to AppBuilder lots of new features!!!
THANK YOU so much for your knowledge



Hello to all,

Hello David,


This JS library gives to AppBuilder lots of new features!!!
THANK YOU so much for your knowledge


You're welcome Eduardo! Please, let me know if you have any further questions. :)

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