Use of OpenWindow to reach external url ...

Napoleone Lattarulo

I use Open OpenWindow "" "false" "_self" "[refwin]" to open a new window in facebook url clicking on facebook icon in APP View, but when i return to APP using Back Button, the session/global variables are blanked, they lose their original value. How Can I manage it to avoid this situation.

Balscioi Spassiba


Hello Napoleone,

Certainly, we can't open a new window (nor an URL) in the same WebView in which our app is runnnig. Better said, we can do it (because in fact the WebView -or a browser- deal with URLs, then we can proceed with an "_self" argument with "OpenWindow" action like you try, but, if the user come back using the history back action, then the app can enter in an unexpected behaviour.

Not always, but, is possible that our app initialize certain variables in the main view, for example, and then we do what you are try from other app view. Then, when the user come back to this last view, the firstly defined variables in the main view are not availables. This can be good for some app cases, and not for other cases.

What you must to do (and probably wanted) is to use the "OpenWindow" action with the "_blank" or "_system" arguments. That open the new window / URL in another tab or external WebView, and then, if the browser come back, our latest app view is show again without any problem at all, like if we open an app view using the "ShowDialog" action, we back to the "background view" without any problem.

Another possible way, if you want to open an URL inside an app view, can be to use an IFrame control. So please, Napoleone, let me know if you have any further questions.

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