Toast Message - Native Toasts (a little text popups) on your apps

Andreas Klein


This App Builder's Toast plugin allows you to show a native Toast (a little text popup) on iOS, Android and Windows Phone

The Toast Plugin gets you following Arguments

Toast "Message", "Duration", "Position", "PixelFromPosition"

The "Toast" argument allows you to show a native Toast (a little text popup).

The "StylingToast" argument allows you to show a native Toast (a little text popup) without your own styling.

StylingToast "Message", "Duration", "Position", "PixelFromPosition", "Opacity", "BackgroundColor", "TextColor", "TextSize", "CornerRadius", "HorizontalPadding", "VerticalPadding"

Tested on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.


Copy the content from the .zip file in

After that run App Builder go to the Program Options -> Plugins and check the Toast click on the Okay button.

If have this step finished Click in the Menu App-> App Options Click on Plugins and check the Toast Plugin.

That's it you can use Toast for you app.

How can i use this:

Just create an push button for example click on the code window and search in the Actions Search field "Toast" or StylingToast that's it fill out the information you would like to share.

Happy Toasting ;)


Hello Andreas!

Thanks for sharing your plugins with us sir! :)

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