Controlling the display of views

John Clarke

I am working on an idea for a questionnaire system. Initially the user will be presented with a view that shows a set of instructions (the Main View). This view will have a start button that will start the questionnaire. When the user presses the start button the first view of the questionnaire will be shown. The views with the questions will have appropriate buttons on them (e.g. Next, Previous, Finish, etc). The Main View will have two roles. The first is to give the user instructions about how to use the questionnaire. The second is to collect the users replies and control the flow of the questions. When I say control the flow of the questions I mean a situation where we could have: Question 1, Question 2, Question 3. If the user provides one answer to question 1 the system may require them to answer question 2 when they press next. However, if they provide another answer to question 1 then question 2 may be irrelevant so it will show them question 3 when they press next. What would be the best way to implement this in AppBuilder?


Hello John,

I think that try to provide an right answer is not possible here. Probably we can take various approach to get working what you wanted, using different controls, etc. Probably more details are required too. I think you must try it, John, and then ask here (or in a new thread) if you get stuck in some particular task, for example. Then we can try to help you with that particular task.

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