desktop app example

Paolo Lops

Hi Davide, do you have an example of desktop app with full screen modal windows?

bottom an example. i want a full screen form with non resaizing components...

regards Paolo


Hello Paolo,

I am not completely sure if can understand exactly what you wanted, so, please, if my reply do not satisfied you, reply to this post trying to explain a bit more what you wanted. In principle, modal views do not fit all the screen size, but are shown more or less in the same aspect ration in all devices.

Again, I am not quite sure about exactly what you needed, because, for example, maybe we can try to use some CSS code in order to made what you wanted. However, if what you wanted is an view that fit all the screen, maybe the question is why to use a modal view... why not use a normal view... which already fit all the screen if you wanted...

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