Problem with literal text vs variables in AB

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

There is I think a problem with variables in AB that I have meant to ask for long time, but it just slips my mind.
Lets look at the below example: It is expected that "test" to be treated as a text the first time and a variable the second time but, both time it is treated as a variable, that some times complicates stuff. Is it supposed to work like this or it is a bug?


Hello Amin,

Certainly "test" is taken as a variable, so you are right. It's not exactly a bug, but, the expected behaviour right now. I want to take a look at this, Amin, maybe we can find a proper way to enhance it.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

I thought the same, it is not hard to handle but it becomes confusing sometimes in function arguments and I think for setoption and getoption, Anyhow I think it took my attention when I noticed using [] for variables is not mandatory but more like a courtesy. I am more a PHP/SQL programmer and so I would prefer the mandatory [] for variables but JS guys may think otherwise. Any how, It has your attention now ;-). Thanks a mill

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