Saving canvas to image (Android / iOS)

Asley Cruz
Hi David, I would like to save an image (png/jpg) from canvas BUT in a device gallery (Android or iOS). Can you provide a sample or plugin please? Many thanks in advance.

Graphic & Web Designer

My app: AC Biblia

My game: AC Trivlia


Hello Asley,

Please, upgrade your AB copy. There are two new samples: Signature and Signature2. The second one show how we can save the Base64 representation of the signature canvas into a JPG file in the device.

Look here for more information and details.

I hope this can be useful for you and others too!

Asley Cruz
Many thank David It works like a charm :)

Graphic & Web Designer

My app: AC Biblia

My game: AC Trivlia


Hello Asley,

Many thank David It works like a charm :)

You're welcome! :)

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