Two app errors just started in console

Ryan Sytsma
These two errors just starting. I dont understand what they are: Chrome debugger:


Hello Ryan,

Not common errors for sure... probably you can't reproduce it in a new app... please, try to delete the "_Compiled" directory of the app and compile it again.

Ryan Sytsma
Deleting the compile folder did not help. I sent you an email with my project attached.


Hello Ryan,

Centering in this specific error, it's caused by the Report "reportContracts" placed in the "ContractList" app view, specifically you assign the value "[Item.contract_name]" to the Report Order variable in the designtime control inspector, but this is the possible expected value. That assignment causes certain syntax error that ends in the errors that you can see.

Take a look at the Report control help, specifically at the, "Order" variable description. To fix the problem right now just remove the referred value from the referred "Order" variable.

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