Hello Ryan,
The most easy way to get ready with an Apache Cordova plugin is to use the App Options -> Cordova -> Custom plugins. Inside the Custom plugins textarea you can add one or more plugins IDs, in this case "cordova-sqlite-storage". Once you do that, DecSoft App Builder generates the right stuff in the Cordova's BAT files, in order to install that plugins and put it available into the app.
Remember that all the Cordova plugins requires to wait until the app's Ready event (or after) in order to be used. Of course, what you must use is the Javascript API provided with that Apache Cordova plugin in question.
P.S. Please, remember that it's possible (and recommendable) to use some HTML tags in our posts, like paragraphs (P tag) or the "code" tag, very useful when we need to post code or console outputs here.
No problem Ryan! Please, take a look at the samples... because there are various samples that uses Cordova plugins... look at the app's options, in particular at the app's Cordova options: some of them are related with the Cordova plugin or can be used to install and configure it, for example. Just ask if you have any questions about!
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