Buttons or links inside Report's rows

Peter Bradstreet
Hi, I would like to add functionality to a report object so that in each row there are a couple of icons/buttons that carry out an action. For example, in the Agenda sample, is it possible to add a delete icon to the right of the data in each row that would delete that row by calling DeleteRecordCallback? I am just using this as an example to see if I can detect the click event on the icon rather than just on the row itself. Cheers, Pete

Peter Bradstreet
Actually, I found just what I needed in the Report17 sample: Cheers, Pete


Hello Peter,

Yes; of course, it's possible. Take a look at the below sample that uses a bit of Javascript code to handle our "row button" click event:

Another possible way is to use a "class" in our "row-button", and use the "RowClick" event of the Report control:


Hello Peter,

We cross our messages. :-) Yes; you found another possible way to do it, so finally we show here three possible ways. :-)

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