HTML Compiler: overview what is possible and what is not?

Jan van den Hogen
Hi there, I get sometimes a very strange behaviour from compiled HTML + JS files, looks like the compiler doesn't interpret the code very well, were everything is normally behaving in the browser. Is there an overview of the dos and donts of HTML and JS so I can writ code more specifically for the compiler?


Hello Jan,

Maybe because the code that you are trying can't work in Internet Explorer 11, in which DecSoft HTML compiler is based? I bet for that... there are some specific limitations (mainly in the video and audio tags) in the program, but, not related with the possible Javascript that we use: except that that Javascript must work in Internet Explorer 11.

The new generation of DecSoft HTML Compiler is now based in the Edge Runtime WebView, which offers to us lot of more capabilities avoiding the limitations that the previous generation of the product (based in Internet Explorer) impose to us. Try the new generation of DecSoft HTML Compiler!

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