{Say Your Wishes} Get Well Soon - David's Mom

Ade Wale

Hi Everyone,

This section is dedicated to David's mom.

We will you quick recovery from illness.

P.S David move all previous post here. e.g



Donald Walker

Hello David

Since it is Valentines day in the USA and I am guessing it is in Spain as well, we shall send a Valentines greeting here to you that you can share with your mom.

Happy Valentines Mom! We know David has you at the top of his list and that is where mom's should be. Glad to hear your surgery when welll and you are improving. All the best from the USA and Don in particular.


Hello to all,

Thanks you very much guys. I really appreciate this kind of things. For your information, my mom still into the hospital (I back to home right now) and their recuperation is slowly, but, hopefully she come to home in the next week. Once she is in home probably I can recuperate my normal worlflow, since the most problematic part is the time I must to expend into the hospital.

Thanks very much again! :)



Some advances. Tomorrow is an important day, since the doctors decide to move my mom into another hospital (to their rehabilitation) or move into their home to follow there the rehabiliation process. If the first thing happend... this complicated the things to me too, since this other hospital is far away than the currently one.

Also some complications about the other health problems has been detected in the latest test. But this is another story... and firstly we need to be concentrated in their broken huckle.

Just for anyone who are interested.



After more than 14 hours in an hospital one feel tired. Now supose how the people who are into the hospital all the day can feel...

The good news today is that my mom probably still in the hospital in which she is right now, that is, probably it's not needed to translate it into another hospital (which means more problems to me too). Maybe the friday she can come into home, which is something nobody wanted more than she itself. And then me too.

Ade Wale

Good to hear that. Hopefully she will be back on Friday. Mom get well soon message from board forum. Then we can start Rolling on AppBuilder (AB).


Hello to all,

Thanks Ade. Some advances these days. Tomorrow, if everything is OK, my mom come back to home. They are not fine, of course (just a few days ago they suffer a surgery) and can't stay up, but, hopefully with my brother and my own help she come more or less fine with sometime.

More tomorrow. :)


Hello to all,

We are in home! After more than a week into the hospital we are back to home. Of course we need to continue with their rehabilitation, but this is the first day in an entire week that I can touch my development computer and I feel good. Thanks ya'll for the good whishes and kindly words. :)

Ade Wale

Hi David,

Thanks for updating us about mom. We can see from yesterday update on AB that you are back at home.



Hello Ade,

Yes; fortunatelly we are both in home. However she requires lot of cares. Hopefully with their rehabilitation and the sufficient time she can recover their mobility. :)

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