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I moved from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder, because of its robustness and simplicity. In the past, several macOS or IONIC updates broke my toolchain. As a result, small app changes on an already finished project often took hours. Porting projects from IONIC to DecSoft App Builder is a breeze. Now I can develop in a fragment of my time and I can always be sure that nothing breaks. Thanks for your excellent work!
Harald Schneider, Germany
Just to drop you a quick email to let you know that I think your work on the VisualNeo platform is outstanding and has enabled many of my projects to get off the ground and function. I look forward to your new plugins to see what you come up with next. I recommend you very highly and every plugin I have bought from you has been a great investment. Keep up the good work and thank you.
Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom
Con poco tiempo que llevo de usar estos Plugins, he visto que mis pequeñas aplicaciones contienen un toque más profesional por el gran esfuerzo de tu trabajo y la calidad incrustada en cada una de las acciónes de tus plugins.
Asley Cruz, Yoro, Honduras C.A.

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