App Builder

2024.51 · 21/09/2024

Entorno visual de desarrollo interactivo para crear modernas apps HTML5, Web Apps, Progressive Web Apps, Web Extensions y aplicaciones híbridas para navegadores de escritorio y móviles, Android, iOS, Windows y más.

HTML Compiler

2024.10 · 01/08/2024

Compile sus apps y juegos HTML en ejecutables para Microsoft Windows de 32 y 64 bits de la forma más sencilla y poderosa, permitiéndole hacer cosas que incluso las modernas apps y juegos HTML no pueden hacer gracias a nuestro JavaScript.


2024.2 · 01/07/2024

Aquí en DecSoft puede encontrar la mejor y más grande colección de plug-ins de VisualNeo en todo el mundo. Disfrute de nuestros 60 excelentes plug-ins, que le ofrecen 1166 acciones y 237 ejemplos para mejorar todas sus aplicaciones VisualNeo.

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I'd just like to let you know that I'm incredibly happy with my latest purchases, especially npDesk which is so beautifully made and easily implemented. npCard and npDraw are similarly brilliant and powerful. My humble thanks to you for letting my thoughts become reality through your genius! Every single time I purchase a plugin I am still knocked back by the speed of service and quality of the product.
Samuel Wood, London, United Kingdom
Ce plugin [npMsgs] est une nécessité pour des applications réduites et est vite amorti car il "reveille" l application tout en empêchant que plusieurs occurrences de la même application s exécutent. Mais il permet aussi de passer naturellement des messages d une application à l autre. C est un vrai gain de temps.
Samuel Vanneste, Fontenay le Fleury, France
Yesterday I faced technical and customer support from heaven. For our projects we needed an HTML compiler and found DecSoft HTML Compiler. Downloaded and tested it with an issue of not showing part of our app. Upon sending the inquiry at 6PM I received several emails aimed at an adequate description of the issue and suggestions on how to overcome and solve it. In the end, the last correspondence happened about midnight, and BINGO the new version of the compiler is released the same night. I have no words to describe the support from DecSoft Utils. Moreover, it is not only about the support but about the power, options, and user-friendliness of the DecSoft HTML compiler. Consequently, I highly recommend the full service.
Dragan Vucic, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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